We tell the best yarns to whomever whenever.
Need someone to cover for you? Need a doctor to call your boss? Need an aquarium to call asking for someone? Need a clever story to be crafted and executed? Well, that's what we do. You tell us who we need to be and we do it, and we do it well.
With state of the art acting and computer to phone technology, we are able to save your sorry ass in any sticky situation.
Goahead. We don't judge, we fudge.
““...Like always, I found myself in a very sticky situation with my relationship. Even though I was caught red-handed...These guys saved my marriage” ”
We have thousands of domestic and international phone numbers and create custom caller ID's for every call.
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We are super tech savvy and create custom emails accounts and have gone as far as setting up websites. All to spin your yarn.